Short Session Sleepaway Camps

Short Session Sleepaway Camps are available throughout the United States.
Choosing the best short session camp for your child can be a difficult task. The experts at The Summer Lady will help you find the perfect short session sleepaway camp that meets your child’s needs and interests.
Our advisors will help you chose the best camp for your child. There are many short session camps available and some include: Intensive sports Camps, Academic Enrichment Programs, Outdoor Adventure Camps, Language Immersion Programs, Community Service Programs, Performing Arts Camps, Scuba and Sailing Camps, Marine Biology Programs, Film and Photography Programs, Horseback Riding Camps, Cooking Camps and more.
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Intensive Sports Camps include: Baseball Camps, Softball Camps, Basketball Camps, Golf Camps, Lacrosse Camps, Ice Hockey Camps, Tennis Camps and more!
Boys Summer Sports Camps and Girls Sports Programs
At specialized intensive sports camps, campers are taught by professional coaches using state-of-the art facilities and equipment. They are grouped and trained according to their age and their skill level, so whether your child is just a beginner or already at an advanced level, there is always a Summer Camp which fits his or her needs.
The advisors at the Summer Lady will help you find the right camp for your child.