Wellness Camps Teach Nutrition & Fitness

Nutrition & Summer Wellness Camps
Obesity is linked to various conditions and diseases that can diminish the quality of life. A recent study has shown that nearly 1 in 5 children in the United States is obese. Childhood obesity has nearly tripled since the 1970’s. There are many factors that can lead to childhood obesity, some factors include
- Nutrition
- Physical Activity
- Sleep Duration
- Metabolism
- Genetics
Nutrition plays a huge role when it comes to the physical well-being of a child. Eating healthy can be a challenging task for kids and adults in today’s society. Fast food restaurants spend a lot of money on advertising to today’s youth and the results are alarming. Avoiding fast foods amongst other unhealthy meals goes a long way into avoiding obesity and staying healthy. It is imperative that kids are given a well-balanced and nutritious meal to promote healthy growth and avoid health complications along the way. Home-cooked meals are generally a healthier option over food bought from outside. Benefits of a home-cooked meal include control over the amount of salt or sugar added to a meal. Although being very tasty, a high intake of sodium and/or sugar is a recipe for obesity down the road. Nutrition camps ensure that children eat a well-balanced and healthy meal every day. Meals are prepared daily with the freshest ingredients to promote healthy growth and limit the amount of unhealthy foods a child consumes. Nutrition camps promote healthy eating habits along with physical activity to prevent childhood obesity.

Fitness & Summer Camps
Regular physical activity is essential for good health and is extremely important if you’re trying to lose weight and remain healthy. Along with a well-balanced nutrition plan, fitness plays a big role in avoiding childhood obesity. With the amount of technology available today to our youth, physical activities have been going down. Kids are more likely and willing to stay indoors playing video games or watching TV. It is important that kids participate in various physical activities throughout the year to remain active and decrease the chances of obesity and being overweight. Physical activity reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes along with other illnesses associated with obesity. Summer camps are a great way to combine outdoor physical activities and fitness. Kids are more likely to participate in outdoor activities if they are with their friends and the activities are made fun. Playing sports whether indoor or outside and general summer camp activities are a great way for children to be physically active. Kids usually are involved in some sort of physical activity in school but depending on the child’s lifestyle it may not be enough physical activity to promote a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition and physical activity will go a long way into being fit and avoiding health complications.
Wellness & Summer Camps
Physical wellness is defined as the commitment to self-care through regular participation in physical activity and healthy eating. It is important that a healthy lifestyle is obtained to prevent illness and promote a better quality of life. Along with an adequate amount of sleep, a proper balanced nutrition plan along with the recommended amount of physical activity will ensure a healthy lifestyle. Summer camps are a great way for children to remain active during the summer. Summer camps are filled with outdoor activities that kids love taking part in. During these outdoor activities, kids are physically active which leads to a healthier lifestyle and decreases the chances of obesity.