Theater Summer Camp

Performing Arts Theatre Sleepaway Programs
Is your child a natural born star that just loves to act, sing, or dance? Then theater camps might be the right experience for your child. If your child loves acting, singing, or dancing; performing arts kids summer camps will help your child enhance their talent. Your child will have the chance to showcase their talent by performing in front of a live audience at theatre camps, which will help them boost their confidence and self-esteem.
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Summer Theatre Camps & Summer Programs Offer:
- Comedy
- Diction
- Improv
- Acting Techniques
- Stage Craft
- Musical theater
- Costuming
- Stage- Combat
- Shakespear
- Audition Techniques
Theatre camps and programs offer opportunities either in performing on stage or working behind the scenes with sets and lighting. Summer Theatre Programs offer wider choices of opportunity, including: theatrical techniques, performance and stage management with focus on acting, voice, design, dance, play writing, acting for camera, Shakespearean acting, movement and improvisation. Workshops are also available in comedy and diction.